In the PRO Landscape database you find that all trees have 12-14 different sizes listed in the Pricing tab of th Database and Price Editor. You will also see the shrubs have 6-8 sizes. Users to have a couple ways to add new size into the database. The tedious method is to add each size into the Pricing tab of the Database & Price Edior manually, one by one. A much faster method is to use Add Global Size.
To add a new size, go to TOOLS >> EDIT DATABASE & PRICES from Image Editor, Planner or Proposal. Select a sub-category like Shrub – Deciduous. Click on the dropdown next to the green plus sign at the top and select Add Global Size. In the Add Global Size window, enter a letter as a SKU Suffix, this will append the SKU with the entered letter which will denote the specific new size. Enter the new size, in my example I used a #1 Pot. Click OK and this will add a #1 POT to each of the existing deciduous shrub items in the database. The process will be completed in about 2 seconds.